Critical Appraisal Skills Programme


Previous CASP Clients

  • Cochrane UK logo
  • Irish Research Council logo
  • National Collaborating Centre For Methods And Tools logo
  • NHS Choices logo
  • NHS Health Education West Midlands logo
  • NHS Wales logo
  • NIHR School For Social Care Research logo
  • Norwich Health CCG logo
  • Public Health England logo
  • Queens University logo
  • Testing Treatments Interactive logo
  • The Information Standard logo
  • University Of Limerick logo

What our customers say about us

Critical Appraisal Skills are unquestionably a valuable part of the skill set of dental postgraduate trainees and dentists in practice. It is not a skill set that is easy to acquire and can often be an area that is poorly developed. Equally, many trainees will develop poor habits in this area and will struggle to translate what is in the literature into the clinic.

This challenge is one that we have attempted to address in Health Education England West Midlands (HEEWM) local team as part of the Dental Core Training (DCT) Programme. Each year a day of “critical appraisal and using evidence” training has been part of the regional study programme which is delivered for all 62 young postgraduates to assist their development.

Over the past three years, HEEWM’s partner in delivery of these Critical Appraisal literature review skills has been CASP. Prior to this time other options had been used from within the academic faculty available locally and had received mixed feedback from trainees.

Feedback from these sessions has been universally positive and the day has now become a fixed item in the regional study programme. Although initially commissioned for DCT, over the years there have been a number of more senior trainees from dental specialties that have also accessed the day and have found it beneficial in terms of their preparation for specialty examinations.

From the perspective of the commissioner, these days have added value to the study programme and have been delivered to a very high standard and have been good value.

I would recommend their inclusion in the dental postgraduate programmes of other HEE regional teams.”

Associate Dean for Dental Core & Speciality Training, Health Education West Midlands

“I can’t tell you how much I benefited from the training I had last year. I use the systematic review and RCT papers and CASP crib sheets in my lectures and classes plus other teaching and learning resources provided during that week.

The boost to my confidence has been nothing short of meteoric and I am not exaggerating here. For the first time ever, following various critical appraisal lectures and workshops, I have actually received applause and I can honestly say that I really do enjoy my job when before there were aspects of it that used to terrify me. I deliver CASP style workshops all the time and teach 20 and 10 credit ‘making sense of evidence’ modules to both undergraduate and post-grad students.”

Teaching Critical Appraisal Course

“The CASP approach – working from simple principles to understanding scientific concepts was particularly useful”

“Highly relevant to my public health work and practice”

“Effective and stimulated me to consider modifying my practice”

“Relevant and enjoyable. Well-presented and good opportunities for debate”

“I have a deeper understanding of research methods and communication, and a better ability to appraise research”

“Very interactive and enjoyable”

“Inspired to translate research into public health practice more systematically”

“Very good, I was blown over by finally understanding some of the statistical details”

“Teaching is of an excellent standard. Explanations were clear and could be understood. All examples were relevant”

Workshops for Public Health England 2016

“Excellent balance -between learning from each other and course facilitators”

“I really felt that my fears were quickly dealt with and that I no longer was concerned about asking a question”

“Great techniques to explain complex concepts in a simple way. Useful to be able to ask questions and go at the pace of the group but also splitting the group later to teach to the appropriate level”

“It is great for people with different backgrounds and levels of knowledge. Great way to share ideas and network with others. Will definitely improve your confidence”

“Good explanation of concepts of clinical trials and critical appraisal and lots of interesting and interactive ways to learn about these topics”

“Very well ran, engaging, good mix of statistics”

Train the Trainer Course

Good mix of group work and discussions with larger group, the course was very well planned with presentations followed by discussions and then a break. This meant that people didn’t switch off or become too tired”

“The group atmosphere was great and this particularly helped the whole learning process”

“Great breadth of coverage of topics and teaching techniques”

“Very high quality, interesting and fun way to learn and meet other researchers from different areas”

“Really useful skills gained throughout the week, very enjoyable”

“Very informative – a safe and friendly environment to learn and especially to practice teaching in groups

CASP International Training Week 2013, Oxford UK

“Thank you – great workshop”

“Very useful”

“Very informative”

“Improved my understanding research”

“I have more understanding of the ‘jargon’”

“Great handouts”

“Very useful session!”

Cochrane UK Workshop Series - 2014

“Good training techniques, critical appraisal is for everyone not just doctors”

“Very informative, fun & organised”

“Structured, helpful, definitely develops skills and knowledge”

“I have learnt so much this week, great approach to teaching”

“Really enjoyed the format, pace and flexibility of the programme according to the groups needs”

CASP International Training Week April 2012, Oxford UK

“Thank you so much for delivering the above workshop. I have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants. One delegate (a very senior PCT officer) told me that ‘this was the best training I have ever received’ and that she now ‘felt confident about using evidence’. This was an important event for me, not just for my own staff but also for the local authority staff who we had also invited. We are in the process of transferring to the local authority and demonstrating what we can offer in terms of evidence assessment is critical to the development of the new service. This workshop has generated great enthusiasm from our partners about using the evidence to influence how the local authority discharges its functions and I understand that they be contacting you to arrange some further training specifically for them.”

“good opportunity to learn and network with peers from different departments”

One day workshop on using research to inform decisions: What makes good evidence of effectiveness? Sandwell PCT January 2012

“It was clear and the information given was concise and relevant”

“detailed good explanation”

“quick and efficient, easy to understand”

“quality of information was very good, and the structure”

“logical sequence, focus on important issues, simple language”

Need more information?

If you have a general query about the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme, or would like to book on to a workshop please get in touch.
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59 Lakeside

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